A Comparison of Traditional And Vuichard Vortex Ring State Recovery Techniques Using On-Line Simulation

Vertical Flight Society Forum 79th Annual Forum, May 2023

From 2008 to 2021, 48 helicopter accidents have involved Vortex Ring State (VRS) encounters in the United States. Vortex Ring State is still a misunderstood phenomenon, which is challenging to identify and recover from. Currently, two competing recovery techniques are taught to pilots: the Traditional and the Vuichard recoveries. This paper presents initial steps in comparing these techniques. A first approach relies on online scenario-based simulations in an S76 flight simulator to determine pilots' decision-making process during a VRS encounter and their ability to recover. These scenarios are designed based on an analysis of VRS accident reports from the 13 biggest helicopter-operating countries.

Eleni Sotiropoulos-Georgiopoulos, Alexia Payan, Charles Johnson, and Dimitri Mavris, “A Comparison of Traditional And Vuichard Vortex Ring State Recovery Techniques Using On Line Simulation,” VFS Forum 79, 16-18, May 2023, West Palm Beach, FL http://dx.doi.org/10.4050/F-0079-2023-18154